Sunday, June 15, 2008

Our Blog Baby is Born!

After being so resistant to entering the blogosphere, we have finally (and cautiously) entered. Believe it or not, I, Dave, was the main instigator of starting it. We figure since we are living in the craziest place in the nation and are completely isolated from civilization as we know it, we ought to start blogging!
Now whenever anybody asks us the address of our blog, they won't look at us with utter disgust when we tell them we don't have one. We have officially become "cool", if you will. So buckle up, strap your helmets on, grab a bagful of sunshine and fun, and enjoy the ride!


Unknown said...
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Bryan said...

That last one was mine. :) I said, FINALLY

Stacy said...

You jumped on the bandwagon. Oh well its fun! I hope you guys are doing good in Arizona.