Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Ghost Town Hijinx!!

That's right - a ghost town! On our way to hike Big Scary Tarantula Mountain, we stopped by this horrifyingly quaint city of the undead. It was pretty much the coolest thing ever. Just to be on the safe side, Sheri and I brought my plastic ghostbusters backpack and trapper that I had gotten as a college graduation present. Fortunately we only needed to use it once and ended up catching a rather surly tumbleweed. --Sheri and I would love to set up an optometry practice here. For fun on the weekends we can dress up as rattlesnakes and scare all the neighborhood kiddies.

--I don't know what is more scary about this picture: the "I-just-beat-up-your-mom" look on Sheri's face, or the fact that my knees look like I should have been a Ninja Turtle.

--There's just something about Arizona that yearns to be deeply respected - as deep as the infectious puncture wounds that we gladly embrace.

--I suddenly realized why Sheri had agreed to marry me

--This is exactly the type of thing I wish I had room to store (the cart, not the wife). I can think of at least 87 ways this would come in handy. Think about it: if you simultaneously broke both your legs, wanted to hitch a ride on a Winnebago, or needed protection from nuclear fallout, what other option do you have?

--This picture is entitled, "I really, really miss Disneyland"

--Come to think of it, this reminds me of some of the rides at Disneyland. Except, of course, for the fact the ride moves, there are singing animals, and you usually don't get tetanus afterwards.

--They always say, "The only way to tame a woman is to give her your heart." I think a giant bird cage is a simpler option.

--At the end of the day, we did the only logical thing to properly wish the ghosts farewell: riot! Say goodbye to your little ghost house, Spooky!


Pike's Place said...

Tetanus, bird cages, ghosts, murderous glances, knobby knees -- yet you still manage to find the romance in all that chaos. :) Dad would proud of your ghost town tour. Looked fun! Very hilarious post.

Dashley said...

hahahahaha- you are full of clever quips dave. Ya know my Grandma actually grew up in Goldfield. :) Well, not that Goldfield- one in NEvada but had to laugh anyway because I am sure it looks similar to that one- it was a mining town. Happy to keep up on the Meyer adventures!

Bryan said...

Aren't you in a very hard school right now? How do you have time to come up with all of this mumbo-jumbo?

Megan said...

What I want to know is, who'd you get to shoot all the pictures?

Derek said...

You're killin' me Smalls.

Angie Lewis said...

Hi Dave, I saw your blog link on someone else's page and had to take a are hilarious - I love all those pictures. Congrats on getting married, by the way!

Scooter said...

i don't believe in ghosts. but i do believe in cactus love.

The Shelton Family said...

You guys crack us up! Keep being crazy.