Monday, July 12, 2010

Life changes at an alarming rate. It's kind of like that blister I once had. I just kind of ignored it until I realized that it wasn't a blister at all, but leprosy. So I guess what I'm saying is life is a little bit like leprosy; it's constantly changing, it's kind of exciting, and it's always better if you "spread" it to family and friends.

It seems like things are always changing so much for us. We never seem to stay in one spot for very long. I guess tax evasion will do that to a family. We don't plan on moving all the time, but that's how it always seems to work out. Having said that, it's always difficult to summarize life after a long break, but I'll muster up my courage and do the best I can:

1. We've moved...again...for the 7th time!!!

Yes, that is not a lie. Sheri and I have moved into a new townhome (the community's theme: "Welcome home! Don't forget to wipe your feet or the HOA will string you up like a Russian stepchild") We are loving it! Since I don't have a current picture, this one will suffice:

(Ours is the fancy green one with the windmill and the ladder that leads to the "guest nest")

We are grateful for a little more space, and a barbecue that we conned off the neighbors for $3. Plus, I can do this:

Aubrey has picked up this uncanny ability to levitate at will. I'm going to have to buy a butterfly net here pretty soon...

2. It's a race for freedom...and dramatic head shots!

My family and I did a very un-Meyer like thing this 4th of July - we planned and carried out an organized activity! We ran in either the 5K or the 10K for the Provo Freedom Run. Let me just say it was tons of fun. My favorite part was grabbing the water from the volunteers holding it out for you, and then splashing it back into their faces. Okay, I'm kidding - I would only do that to the babies waiting for the parade. Here are some pics:

Let's just say Scott has what doctors call a "texting addiction"

Steven is either in the process of turning into a vampire, or was just shot in the back by the man behind him. You decide.

Bryan is showing off his new ab implants to all his lady friends and to the babies waiting for the parade.

Lisa was amazing. Not only did she run the race, but she volunteered to be a secret-service agent for all the celebrities in the Freedom Run (like Steve Young, Edward Cullen, and Wally Osmond (Donny's nephew))

Due to recent husband-related restraints, I'm not allowed to show a well-lit picture of Sheri running. So this one will have to do. Sheri ended up running all the way to good!

I know what your thinking, "Am I looking at a mere photo, or gazing at a masterpiece of balance, charisma, and the birthing of hotness?"

More updates to come soon!


danny woestman said...

David Meyer is the funniest person I have met in my entire life. One day I will be as witty, wise, and wonderful as he. One day.

Pike's Place said...

Thanks for not showing my pansy picture -- I like the secret service bit. If only Edward had been there (I totally would have shaved off minutes just to keep up with him . . . so dreamy :) ). Okay, Mr. Photoshop -- like the levitating baby. See you soon!