Sunday, July 19, 2009

We’re having a baby for Thanksgiving!

Okay, I lied. We will most likely have turkey. But we’ll make sure it’s a baby turkey. And technically our baby is due December 1st, which happens to be the exact birthday of 1. Abraham Lincoln, 2. Brigham Young, and 3. Donny Osmond. So our baby will most likely be 1. a powerful political leader, 2. a spiritual giant, and 3. infinity better than you and everybody else.

Just this last week we went to the doctor to get an ultrasound to find out if we were having a boy or a girl. It was amazing. We walked into this big dark room with this huge machine that looked like it was ready to probe the very depths of my soul. I wasn't about to let that thing get near me. It made me glad that the only thing growing in my belly was an imaginary unicorn named "GlitterBright".

Well, the ultrasound went very well. Our baby is healthy, developing correctly, and kicking like a rabid muskrat. Yay!

A countenance like an angel, and teeth like Daddy...

Okay, I'll stop the suspense...

We are having a little girl!!

Even though Dad is scared to death of having a girl who will eventually grow up and possibly have greasy boyfriends, he will make sure to be well-equipped with love, compassion, and lots of rifle ammo. We are very happy about our little daughter and can't wait for December 1st! We already love her a lot; almost as much as this guy...


Melanie Henage said...

Congratulations!!! That is so exciting! It seems like most people I know having babies around the same time are having boys, so it was fun and refreshing to hear there is a girl on the way to even out all the boys!

Pike's Place said...

A niece! Thanks for my Thanksgiving gift. :) By the way, I'm concerned about the unicorn comment . . . are you okay? :)

Megan said...

Yay oh yay oh yay. I think Glitterbright is a lovely name for a unicorn. any ideas on names for a daughter?

Tiffany said...

Hooray! Oh- she'll be so dang cute! Congrats! (oh, and I'll let you know as soon as I know about this weekend's bbq! We want to-just figuring out plans!)

Dashley said...

Congratulations!! Very exciting!

Joseph Draschil said...

I'm so excited for you. It will be better than you're hoping and then some. What a crazy time in your lives. Enjoy it and all the excitement that comes with this gem of a blessing you call Glitterbright.

Also, congratulations on your upcoming baby girl.

Unknown said...

Seriously Dave, I'm not sure where you keep finding these pictures. And honestly, I still have nightmares about Glitterbright the Not So Friendly Unicorn. They are usually quickly followed by another nightmare of you being the Ice Princess.

Oh, by the way, I saw these clips of Brian Regan and thought of you and Sheri:

Mel said...

Yeah for little girls! So excited for you!

Michelle said...

Yay for baby girls! :) Can't wait to meet her. Oh, and Sheri I think Dave's craziness is wearing on you a little bit... careful, or was this post written by Dave, if so... all is normal.