Sunday, October 5, 2008

SoCal Sensations!

As you may have noticed, our blog has been lonely as of late. During the last couple of weeks we’ve come to a terrible realization: blogging is a bit more difficult without the internet. I don’t know how the pioneers did it. I ended up sending a hand-written letter to Google asking them to post my next entry, but they haven’t done it yet. Dang hippies.

Note: my handwriting has not changed since third grade. I blame my parents. And the leprosy.

Augember All-stars!

The following is a list of highlights of the month of Augember, which is a delicious combination of August and September (the National “Support Your Local Russian Mafia” Month)

1. Scott and Sarah Seal the Deal!

Okay, so maybe this isn’t the right adorable couple, but don’t they look happy? This makes me regret that I didn’t have Sheri carry an umbrella with poisonous bamboo sticks and a live dove in her hair. And the shrimp taped onto my lapel would have been a nice touch.

Scott never let the age difference bother him…

Okay, okay, so here they are in all their luminiferous glory. The wedding really was a lot of fun and it went very smoothly. The ceremony was in the Salt Lake Temple and the reception was held at Thanksgiving Point. They had special-guest Donny Osmond sing his new hit-single “Wonderful Me” and a live performance of the Payson high school drill team. We are excited to have Sarah as part of the family!

I felt the exact same way on my wedding day, “Who the heck invited Donny Osmond?”

Time just goes by too fast. It’s amazing to think that it wasn’t very long ago when Scott and I were building Lego bases in our underwear while watching Jurassic Park III.

2. Flitterin’ in Florida

Sheri and I took an amazing trip to Jacksonville, Florida at the end of August. Let me just say, it was fantastic. See, there’s this little company you may have heard of called “Johnson and Johnson” who owns hundreds of companies and about 2/3 of the planet Venus. And they set up this program where they fly optometry students to Florida to check out their headquarters of their contact lens company Moneykon (I mean “Vistakon”). And here’s the best part about it: everything was paid for. Everything! The food, the limo, the hotel, the monkey-butler sponge bath, and even the creepy clown that kept hitting on Sheri.

Now, going into this, I have to admit I was a little nervous. I figured that if Johnson and Johnson was hooking me up with such awesome stuff, I’d have to do nothing less than sell my own soul to them for the rest of eternity. But believe me, it was completely worth it! It was a small price to pay for a fun weekend and a 2-for-1 gift card to Arby’s.

Meyer and Meyer: coming to a legal firm near you

3. Hiatus at Huntington!

Since our Disneyland passes have expired (tragedy!), we’ve realized that there are actually other things to do in Southern California – like going to the beach. There are a ton of beaches down here: Laguna Beach, Huntington Beach, Energy Solutions Beach Presented by Southwest Airlines, etc. Sheri has never gone boogie-boarding before, so we thought we’d give it a try:

Sheri can make anything look good. Even me sometimes.

Well, maybe not… :)

And now for the close-up. The venomous look on my face helped me scare away a large hammerhead shark and several small children.

This picture is actually an optical illusion. It may look like I’m all but stalled in a mere 6 inches of water. Fact: I was ripping up waves on my way to courageously save four drowning Indian babies!

4. Dancing in Deutchland!

As many of you know, my brother Steven is serving a mission in Frankfurt. He has been out there for about 8 months, and he’s rocking Germany like 80’s Techno. Apparently the hardest thing to get used to is the strange curvature of the landscape out there. Silly Germans!


Bryan said...

I am glad ur back into the blogging world. I am currently taking a vacation from it. Yup... have fun in Cal

Pike's Place said...

Okay, I laughed out loud a couple of times. That older woman wedding day picture? That reminds me of Steven's and Dad's pose in that one infamous picture (know which on I'm talking about?). And I can't believe you got a shot of the dove hair girl! She was a crack up! Donny Osmond is quite cocky -- wonderful me???? Okay, and your boogie board expression? Scary yet so accurate in your attempt to look intimidating. :) (notice I said attempt? Sorry, Dave, you're a buttercup!:) ).

Tiffany said...

Good to see you guys are still alive! You crack me up- the Donny Osmond line was hilarious. Remember when he came to that morning side and told us all about his room full of gold awards and albums?!

Scooter said...

do you wanna come over sometime and we can play more legos in our underwear? i just got the new indiana jones ones. then after that, we can play down the drain.

David said...
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David said... look exactly the same! I don't think you've changed since fourth grade! Anywho...that's weird that Scott's married...and who the heck is that guy you said is Steven? I don't recognize that kid at all. Oh...and the closeup of you on the boogie board has kind of a Lord Voldemortish quality - could be useful around Halloween...oh and stop by and say hi to me and my wife on our blog at