Friday, January 22, 2010

This is an advertisement that I came across while in college. I can think of at least 65 practical uses for it. I'm not sure what is funnier, the guy checking out the pregnant chick, or the angry girlfriend who now vows to get pregnant just to get even.

Life is good with a little baby around. Aubrey is always keeping us on our toes. The great philosopher, Winne the Pooh, once said, "You never can tell with bees." We feel the same about Aubrey. You never really know exactly what to expect, and the next thing you know she has "stung" you like a bee in the form of voluminous fecal matter (i.e. poo-poo).

But Aubrey has sure gotten cuter. In fact, I've discovered a mathematical phenomenon with her. I've realized that the level of her cuteness is directly proportional to the amount and size of her chins.

This is probably my very favorite picture of Aubrey. She often looks at me very inquisitively. It's as if she's saying, "Dad, why don't you ever feed me? And why didn't you give me a cooler name, like Shanaynay? Or JaShauna? Or Jimmer?"

This is a picture of Aubrey with her cousin Tyler. We always have to make sure Tyler has eaten first before we let them near each other. You can never be too careful.

This is one of Aubrey's famous "I'm drunk...with milk" expressions. I love it when her mullet flares up and she starts looking like Doc Brown in "Back to the Future".

And finally, our little BYU family. I have long vowed to never to coerce my children to go to BYU. I'll just never speak to them again if they don't. Sounds fair to me.