Friday, April 2, 2010

New Adventures

This is our good friend Nien Nunb. You may recognize him from such films as Star Wars: Return of the Jedi, Schindler's List, and Canada's 1976 version of Pride and Prejudice (playing the dashing Mr. Darcy). The reason that Nien is so critical to today's blog is because Sheri brought up a very interesting point (keep in mind that Sheri brought this up, not me): there are a terrifying amount of similarities between Nien and Aubrey. Let's list them:

1. Both of them have those adorable eyes that you just want to kiss
2. Both are approximately 24 inches tall and look stunning in their little orange jumpsuit/black vest ensemble.
3. Both of them have "chipmunk cheeks", which we can correctly assume means they are hording chipmunks in their mouths.

4. Both of them played in Star Wars. It's true! You wouldn't think a baby as young as Aubrey would have such a flourishing career at such a tender age. Only one actor was famous at a younger age, and that was Donny Osmond, whom we all doted on during the pre-existence. Here is Aubrey playing the role of Yub Nub, the heroine Ewok during the final battle scene of Return of the Jedi:

This scene takes place right before she has a lightsaber duel with Darth Vader and then ends up eating the Emperor:


Since I don't have time to go into all the gruesome details, let me just sum up the last few months via a fancy list:
#1: Aubrey has been quite the traveler. And we have had a blast taking her on our adventures. We've been to Northern California, Las Vegas, Southern California, and spent a weekend in Bangladesh. Let's just say that Aubrey and the car seat have not gotten along very well. Especially on the drive to Bangladesh.
#2: Yes, we are still in Utah, and I am still trying to find a job. The future job outlook is still up in the air (or buried 6 feet under, however you want to look at it). At the end of June, we will be either staying here in Utah, or moving to Northern California depending on the work situation. I was thinking that as an alternative plan we could move to Mexico and sell maracas and dance for nickles in the street, but Sheri's not going for it.
#C: Steven Meyer (whom Sheri's sisters affectionately call "the hot one") is back from his mission in Germania. It's been awesome having him around. At the same time, my sister and her family sadly moved to a small German suburb in Boise. They will be missed. But Sheri and I have loved living in Utah during the last year because we've been able to see everyone.
Always take the time for a healthy snack:

And I can't resist showing pictures of my adorable daughter:

And now, for something completely different: